Turmeric Latte
Turmeric latte, AKA Golden milk, makes a decadent, warming non-caffeinated brew, which I love to share on our Winter retreats, often served after dinner, to encourage restful
Turmeric latte, AKA Golden milk, makes a decadent, warming non-caffeinated brew, which I love to share on our Winter retreats, often served after dinner, to encourage restful
Cleansing and Replenishing – With a base of coconut water this smoothie replenishes the balance of electrolytes. Beneficial after sports, illness, or dehydration after traveling.
Boost brain health and metabolism with this cool and refreshing drink, designed by my daughter Sophia, a mixologist in the making!
Rich and creamy, and rich in protein to sustain mood and energy levels. This may sound strange, but .. take time, and “chew” your smoothie.
This smoothie is great for all-round gut goodness. Supporting microbial balance and aiding digestion. This sounds strange but .. Take time, and “chew” your smoothie.
Green juices are great for cleaning the system and boosting energy.