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DUTCH Hormone Testing: Embrace Perimenopause with Confidence.


The DUTCH Test is a dried urine test for comprehensive Hormones that I often recommend to clients. It’s ideal for Peri/ Post menopause women who want to gain insight into hormones and understand how to manage them with diet and lifestyle. I love testing because it takes the guesswork out of hormone balancing and can help to form the foundation for a bespoke nutrition plan suited to an individual client’s needs.

Why test hormones during Peri Menopause?

Peri menopause is the transitional phase, usually starting in our 40’s, leading up to menopause, which is classified as 1 full year after cycles end. During this time the ovaries gradually produce less oestrogen and progesterone, leading to hormonal fluctuations that can result in a wide range of symptoms. These may include changes in cycle length and flow, hot flashes, interrupted sleep, fatigue, mood issues, headaches, and weight gain .. to name just a few. Hormone testing is a game changer for many clients, helping to gain clarity, make sense of symptoms, and provide vital information in order for the transition to be as smooth as possible.

The Benefits of DUTCH Test for Peri Menopause

There are several key benefits of the DUTCH hormone test for peri menopause:

  •  Identifying Hormonal Imbalances:
    A wealth of data is collected, including all sex and adrenal hormones, and their metabolites. This information shows how effective the body is at breaking down and metabolising hormones. DUTCH also includes Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) which shows cortisol levels upon waking. This helps to see how the body is responding to stress.
  • Personalised Treatment Plans based on Data:
    Hormone testing takes out the guesswork, and provides valuable information that can be used to create personalised treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique hormonal needs. The DUTCH test also includes organic acids profile, which can indicate any issues with absorption of nutrients in the gut.

  • Assessing Health Risks and Prevention:
    Hormone imbalances during peri menopause can increase the risk of certain health conditions, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, testing can help identify these risks early on, allowing for proactive measures to be taken to prevent or manage these conditions.
  • Improving Quality of Life:
    By identifying and addressing hormonal imbalances, hormone testing can significantly improve the quality of life for those experiencing troublesome menopausal symptoms.

Why Take the DUTCH Test?

  • To uncover hormone related cycle issues such as painful or heavy periods/ irregular cycles.
  • To uncover hormone related mood issues
  • To uncover hormone related weight issues
  • To uncover hormone related sleep issues
  • To monitor stress hormones and impact on wellbeing
  • HRT – Monitor hormone levels if considering, or if currently on HRT

Dutch Test

How Samples are collected:

The Dutch Test is a simple home test, 4-5 urine samples are collected, dried overnight and then sent back to the lab to be processed.

Interpreting Hormone Test Results:

As a Nutritional Therapist I am trained to interpret results and can provide individual diet and lifestyle advice, addressing root causes of hormone imbalances, to provide clients with knowledge, confidence, and empowerment during the peri menopause journey and beyond.

Here are some examples of how I use the Dutch test to help my clients overcome common hormonal issues around menopause.. 

Client A – Was on HRT but not sleeping well and feeling tired and wired.

Through the Dutch test we were able to see that current HRT levels were leading to sex hormone imbalance, impacting sleep, and also that the sleep/wake hormones were off kilter. (Cortisol levels low in the morning and raised in evening). These results helped to guide a bespoke diet and lifestyle protocol. The client’s symptoms improved and confidence was gained around appropriate HRT levels.

Client B- Was experiencing erratic periods, low mood and IBS.

Through cycle tracking we were able to gain insights into cycle, and that elevated oestrogen metabolism through the 16OH pathway, was likely causing the heavy bleeding. We were able to see that stress hormones were elevated, and organic acids indicated an imbalance of microbes in the gut. These results helped to guide a bespoke diet and lifestyle protocol focused on liver and gut support, with calming lifestyle practices. The client’s symptoms are improving and sense of control and empowerment are increasing.

Find out more and book a test here

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