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Vegetable & Chickpea Curry Bowl

Prep Time:

10 minutes

Cooking Time:

30 minutes


  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1 thumb fresh ginger grated
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp red chilli/cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • 2 tsp veg stock in 400ml water
  • 400g tinned tomatoes
  • 400g tinned chickpeas
  • 400g coconut milk
  • 200g mixed veg (cauliflower/ carrots/ peas)
  • Lemon wedges, for garnish
  • 100g tender-stem broccoli for garnish
  • 1 handful of fresh coriander
vegetable chickpea curry

This warming and satisfying weeknight winner is quick and easy to prepare, and full of delicious, nourishing goodness. It tastes better the next day, and can be frozen, so why not make a batch.


High in plant based protein, phytoestrogens and fibre, all important for the balance of hormones, which may help to reduce menopausal symptoms, and improve energy and mood.


  • Finely chop onion and in a large saucepan fry for 10 minutes or until translucent, with a little oil, and cumin, coriander, turmeric, garlic, chilli and ginger.

  • Chop the mixed veg into bite size pieces and add to the onion mix, along with the chickpeas.

  • Next add the tinned tomatoes, and fill the can with boiling water and dissolve the veg stock, and add to the pan. Allow to simmer for 20 mins or until veg is softened.

  • Add 300ml coconut milk (hold some back to drizzle on top) and garam masala

  • Add the broccoli and cook for a further 5 minutes until tender.

  • Serve with lemon wedges, a drizzle of coconut milk and a scatter of fresh chopped coriander.